This Information Applies to: Agilent GC systems.
The EPC gas control modules contain flow and pressure sensors that are calibrated at the factory. Zero offset requires periodic updating. Zeroing flow or pressure sensors may resolve discrepancies in EPC readouts if a value appears incorrect...
This Information Applies To: Agilent 6850, 6890, 7820, 7890, 8850, 8860, 8890, Intuvo 9000 GC Systems with a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
The TCD temperature, column (carrier), makeup, and reference flow rates need to be optimized to ensure proper operation and sensitive detection...
This Information Applies To: Agilent 6890, 6850, 7890, 8890, 8860, Intuvo 9000 GC systems.
The exchange of the ignitor in a Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) may be required in the following scenarios:
Preventive or periodic maintenance.
Resolving performance issues of the detector:...
This Information Applies To: All Agilent GC systems, Headspace Samplers, and Automatic Liquid Samplers.
Sometimes there maybe a need to upgrade the Agilent GCs, ALSs, or headspace samplers firmware versions to meet the requirement of a software upgrade, Agilent recommendation, or interoperability...
This Information Applies To: Agilent GC Automatic Liquid Samplers
Unusual issues can occur to a syringe: needle bending during sample injections.
Ensure optimal system performance by considering the following options:
Vials and caps
Agilent vials and caps should be used...