This Information Applies To: Agilent SpectrAA Software
Explanation of concentration results flags from SpectrAA Software
Under certain conditions, a concentration result may appear with a concentration result 'Flag'. The following table lists each possible concentration result flag and its description. The Priority column indicates the priority number of each flag, Priority 1 = highest priority. If a sample concentration results in more than one error being flagged, the flag with the highest priority is displayed.
The flag may simply be noted for reference purposes or may indicate that corrective action is needed, or one or more standards or samples may need to be rerun.
Flag |
Priority |
Flag Description |
A |
6 |
For Zeeman, the absorbance has exceeded the maximum Zeeman absorbance value set in the Method. Absorbances above the maximum value give erroneous results due to Zeeman calibration rollover. |
B |
11 |
The absolute concentration of the solution is less than RDL (Required Detection Limit) and greater than or equal to IDL (Instrument Detection Limit). |
D |
3 |
Autodilution error. Volume is less than 1 µL for furnace; factor is greater than 50 for SIPS. |
G |
4 |
Low mains voltage. |
I |
9 |
Atomic signal absorbance is less than minimum absorbance (user specified limit). |
L |
13 |
LCS (Laboratory Control Sample) is out of limits. |
M |
10 |
%RSD (percent Relative Standard Deviation) is greater than limit. |
N |
13 |
Matrix spike recovery is outside limits. |
Q |
13 |
QC (Quality Control) Standard recovery is outside limits. |
T |
5 |
Total absorbance is over-range. |
U |
12 |
The absolute concentration of the solution is less than IDL. |
P |
13 |
Preparation blank absolute concentration is greater than user specified limit. See Note #2. |
W |
13 |
QC Spike percent recovery is outside upper and lower limits. |
Y |
13 |
The RDL concentration is outside the user specified limits. See Note #2. |
Z |
13 |
QC Blank absolute concentration is greater than or equal to the user specified limit. |
* |
13 |
Duplicate Relative Percent Difference exceeded. |
+ |
13 |
Correlation coefficient less than the specified limit. |
a |
7 |
Foreground absorbance is over-range. See Flag "a" Note. |
e |
2 |
This data item has been edited. |
b |
8 |
Background absorbance is over-range (>2 ABS). |
m |
1 |
The solution has been measured in read mode. |
p |
13 |
PROMT (Precision Optimized Measurement Time) error. This error indicates that the instrument detected a zero or negative transmittance value. |
r |
13 |
The solution has been remeasured. |
? |
13 |
There are also 10 user definable tests available. The flag for each test is also user-defined. (only available for SpectrAA Pro or CFR (full QCP) software) |
Learn how to effectively maintain and operate your Agilent Spectroscopy System:
Agilent 240/280 Series AA Users Guide |