Error to initialize sequence when using Partial sequence

I have Chemstation C.01.08 [210].  Whenever I try to run a partial sequence, I get the 'Initialization of Sequence Failed' error message.  From what I could find online, that issue was supposed to be solved in C.01.08 version of the software.  I have Unique Folder Creation On.

  • Hello,


    I added tags to this post to increase visibility.


    Do you see this error message when trying to run a partial sequence with every sequence template, or does it only occur when using one or a few sequence templates? 


    When you setup the partial sequence are you choosing to collect the data into an already existing result set or are you creating a new result set? 

  • Hello,

    The error message doesn't pop up for every sequence run.  Right now, I created a new method and a new sequence with a new subdirectory folder.  I go to partial sequence, click new and get the error message.  The way to work around that is to go to sequence table and click run, after which point I can run partial sequence.  Any idea why I can't run it in the beginning?

  • As you referenced in your initial description, there was a defect that was fixed in the C.01.08 where you would see this error when your Sequence Parameters were set to save the partial sequence's result set in a location other than the default data path. 


    Can you check in Sequence>Sequence Parameters and see what you have specified in the Path and Subdirectory fields. If they are set to something other than the default data path, try switching back to the default path and saving the sequence to see if you still get the error.


    Best Regards,

    Ryan O'Boyle

  • As you referenced in your initial description, there was a defect that was fixed in the C.01.08 where you would see this error when your Sequence Parameters were set to save the partial sequence's result set in a location other than the default data path. 


    Can you check in Sequence>Sequence Parameters and see what you have specified in the Path and Subdirectory fields. If they are set to something other than the default data path, try switching back to the default path and saving the sequence to see if you still get the error.


    Best Regards,

    Ryan O'Boyle

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