Error to initialize sequence when using Partial sequence

I have Chemstation C.01.08 [210].  Whenever I try to run a partial sequence, I get the 'Initialization of Sequence Failed' error message.  From what I could find online, that issue was supposed to be solved in C.01.08 version of the software.  I have Unique Folder Creation On.

  • Hello,


    I added tags to this post to increase visibility.


    Do you see this error message when trying to run a partial sequence with every sequence template, or does it only occur when using one or a few sequence templates? 


    When you setup the partial sequence are you choosing to collect the data into an already existing result set or are you creating a new result set? 

  • Hello,

    The error message doesn't pop up for every sequence run.  Right now, I created a new method and a new sequence with a new subdirectory folder.  I go to partial sequence, click new and get the error message.  The way to work around that is to go to sequence table and click run, after which point I can run partial sequence.  Any idea why I can't run it in the beginning?

  • Hello,

    The error message doesn't pop up for every sequence run.  Right now, I created a new method and a new sequence with a new subdirectory folder.  I go to partial sequence, click new and get the error message.  The way to work around that is to go to sequence table and click run, after which point I can run partial sequence.  Any idea why I can't run it in the beginning?

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