Sequence keeps aborting on it's own, won't start

Software: OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition C.01.09 [150]
Instruments: Headspace (G1888)  GC-FID (7890A)

Whenever I try to initiate a sequence, the sequence will abort on it's own. Sometime it will take the vial, then immediately return it, or take the vial but sequence will not enter 'waiting' state.

I've tried creating the method and sequence from scratch.

Any suggestions?

  • Hello,


    From the screenshot you posted the error that appears to be aborting the method run is "Failed to set injection volume". For a headspace sampler the injection volume should be the sample loop volume which is part of the instrument configuration. Is a sample loop configured on the sampler? What revision headspace control software do you have installed and what revision firmware is loaded on your sampler? 


    Are you able to run a sequence from the front keypad of your G1888A without any errors?

  • The sample loop is configured, but it set at "other" 0 uL. Not sure what the standard loop size is, i am guessing 1 mL?

    Headspace control software: B.01.07
    Driver: B.

    Haven't tried using the keypad on the G1888 yet. Would I have to hit start on the G1888 first, then start on the 7980 keypad?

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