Sequence keeps aborting on it's own, won't start

Software: OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition C.01.09 [150]
Instruments: Headspace (G1888)  GC-FID (7890A)

Whenever I try to initiate a sequence, the sequence will abort on it's own. Sometime it will take the vial, then immediately return it, or take the vial but sequence will not enter 'waiting' state.

I've tried creating the method and sequence from scratch.

Any suggestions?

Parents Reply
  • Are you using the same methods and sequence templates whenever you try to run a sequence or are you building them from the defaults? If you have not already tried doing so, I would recommend re-building your sequence(s) and method(s) from the defaults and see if that resolves the problem. If so, then it would point to a corruption in a sequence and/or method file. 


    I also recommend that you reach out to your local support (Contact Us | Agilent ) who will be able to provide you with more timely and in-depth support than what is available through the Community. 

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