Area Count Limits

Hello. I'm running OL Chemstation C.01.10. Can you set area count limits in the software, whether by percentage or a set range? Ultimately, I'd like to flag an internal standard area count on a report if it falls outside of the set limits, if possible.


  • Edward,

    You would need to do this as a custom calculation in intelligent reporter. Is this for a single injection or a summary of multiple injections? The example below, I did for a customer project where the report averaged all the IS injections, calculated limits based on a percent of that average area, and then applied those limits using pass/fail logic and conditional formatting. 

    Marty Adams

  • Thanks, Marty! I'm unfamiliar with intelligent reporter, but it looks like that's what I need. This would be for a single injection. I would need it to display as another line under the main results, with an obvious notation, like pass/fail or reportable/not reportable, using limits entered manually. I'll start exploring intelligent reporter. It sounds like it operates similar to Excel. Is that right? Is it safe to assume that the help file will be helpful?

  • The help for IR is limited in CS depending on the version. The pdf manual is more informative. You should be able to find this file on your media, but I will attach it here. IR is not really like excel outside of the fact that the expression language is VB.



  • Hey Marty. That helped a lot! I was able to set up what I needed. Thanks again!

  • I know this is a bit old, but you may have another option for the reporting limits that is more flexible that what Martin was suggesting. You can make a "Report Parameter" within the settings icon of IR while the report template is open. You can make a double called "reporting limit" or similar that will allow the user to enter a reporting limit for the peaks when the report is going to be generated. You can also make it default to a specific value. This is more flexible than creating a calculation variable because changing the limit would not require editing the report template (something your basic user probably wouldn't have the permissions to do).

    Additionally, if you wanted to make compound-specific limits, you can make a compound custom parameter within the project settings, which will allow you to enter limits for each compound (in each injection), but at this point we may be getting far enough from the software package you're using that this may not be an option. I'm only familiar with OpenLab CDS. It's worth taking a look if it will be helpful for you.

  • I know this is a bit old, but you may have another option for the reporting limits that is more flexible that what Martin was suggesting. You can make a "Report Parameter" within the settings icon of IR while the report template is open. You can make a double called "reporting limit" or similar that will allow the user to enter a reporting limit for the peaks when the report is going to be generated. You can also make it default to a specific value. This is more flexible than creating a calculation variable because changing the limit would not require editing the report template (something your basic user probably wouldn't have the permissions to do).

    Additionally, if you wanted to make compound-specific limits, you can make a compound custom parameter within the project settings, which will allow you to enter limits for each compound (in each injection), but at this point we may be getting far enough from the software package you're using that this may not be an option. I'm only familiar with OpenLab CDS. It's worth taking a look if it will be helpful for you.

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