Can I measure the average value of a signal in OpenLab CDS V2.7

Hello community!

I want to be able to calculate the average value of a particular signal.  The signal is essentially background, no peaks, just a bit of elevated background signal.

Is there a way to do this directly in OpenLab Data Analysis?

My current solution is to export the signals using the Post Processing option to export csv files and do the work offline, in Excel.


  • Hello,

    Not directly but it can be done with custom code. To create the report below, I wrote a custom VB dll to read the exported CSV signal file and do the average signal calculation for a variable time range around the peak RT. The same thing could be done for the average of the entire signal. 

    Marty Adams


  • Hello,

    Not directly but it can be done with custom code. To create the report below, I wrote a custom VB dll to read the exported CSV signal file and do the average signal calculation for a variable time range around the peak RT. The same thing could be done for the average of the entire signal. 

    Marty Adams


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