How can i create an equation to calculate % assay of active ingredient inside any dosage form by using custom calculation if i have standard and test solution.

% Assay = Area of test*Weight of Standard*potency of std.*Average weight of test*(100-loss of drying)/Area of standard*weight of test.

  • We have set up a Sample Custom Parameter inside the project (Unit Dose) and a Compound Custom Parameter (Label Claim). These are then used in custom calculation as shown here:

    Hope that helps!

  • Hello,

    So what issues are you having with creating a CC for this Area of test*Weight of Standard*potency of std.*Average weight of test*(100-loss of drying)/Area of standard*weight of test calculation? 

    Marty Adams

  • First, i want to thank you for your response.

    Secondly, till now i actually used your suggestion about sample and compound custom parameters for applying inside CC editor and the results are very good Blush 

              Thank you Sparkling heart

  • I have a question, if i inject referance Std. ten times in replication inside sequence and i want to calculate RSD% for only the last five Std. not for all replicates Std. How i can do that?

        Thanks Pray

  • Hello,

    You could name them differently or label them in some way to filter only the last five injections. However, if the numbers of the injections are static you could do it one of the ways below. The first example would always calculate the RSD for the last five standard injections. The second example would calculate the RSD of any standards injections after the first 6. The scope would be peakorgroup and the type would be double. 

    RelStdDev("Peak_Area",CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_Type= 1).OrderByDescending(function(x) x.Injection.CreationTime).Take(5))

    RelStdDev("Peak_Area",CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_Type= 1).OrderBy(function(x) x.Injection.CreationTime).Skip(6))

  • Thank you very much Eng.Martin for your quick response.

    Please, if i have a sequence for three different concentrations Std. and each concentration Std. inject it  5 times and i select Cal.Std. in sample type. How i can calculate Average and RSD% for each concentration by using CC editor ?

  • Hello,

    Assuming you are using the level assignment in the sequence for the Cal Std injections then the CC below would work. The results would be calculated per compound and include all injection at a given level. Just replace RelStdDel with Average for the other calculation.

    Marty Adams

    RelStdDev("Peak_Area",CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_CalibrationLevel = CurrentSample.Sample_CalibrationLevel).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_Type= 1).OrderByDescending(function(x) x.Injection.CreationTime))

  • Hello,

    Assuming you are using the level assignment in the sequence for the Cal Std injections then the CC below would work. The results would be calculated per compound and include all injection at a given level. Just replace RelStdDel with Average for the other calculation.

    Marty Adams

    RelStdDev("Peak_Area",CurrentSequence.AllIdentifiedPeaks.Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_CalibrationLevel = CurrentSample.Sample_CalibrationLevel).Where(function (x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_Type= 1).OrderByDescending(function(x) x.Injection.CreationTime))

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