Openlab CDS Chemstation edition or Openlab CDS-2?

Hello everyone!

Which one do you prefer in 2019, Openlab CDS Chemstation edition or Openlab CDS-2 and why, some standard list of pros and cons maybe?

The 7890B instrument has 2 FIDs, two capillary columns in the same oven, each column connected to 1 FID, one column attached to ALS on S/SL Inlet and one column to an inlet with a Headspace attached, so I need an ability to inject both channels from sequence planner before temperature programming.

  • Hello,

    you should go for Open Labs 2.3


    Its just amazing what you can do.


    Example. No matter what PC you are using "Chemstation" was running on Win XP.

    It can only manage 1 Processors and 8 GB of Ram. Its architecture is unsafe cause Win XP is not supported from Microsoft forever ( for personal use the support stopped years ago ) Professional Customer got a longer support if you pay for it.

    Chemstation was developed 20 years ago.


    CDS Chemstation look like its kinda unfinished.


    Many functions you can´t do on Chemstation.

    If you get a Version with the Content Manager, you have a secure storage. You can access it via http and ftp. Which makes transfer to a connected LIMS easier. You need to authorize and authenticate on it.


    The best function is the RTE. You can create a Report Template, which contain any info you want to be in. Its a bit hard at the beginning, but not impossible.


    You can also buy the Server Version. You can start a sequence from your desktop PC. You don't need a PC connected to the device. ( This saves space )


    With the "Sample Sheduler" ( Open Labs 2.2 ) you can easy transfer your data to a LIMS.

    The Snapshot function is available in OL 2.2 too.


    To your question,


    We got a 7890B too, with a headspace connected. We even got an MMI, instead of an S/SL. You can start a sequence, and then start another one.

    It goes to a list, which runs after another. Even different users can submit their sequence.




    Greets white

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