Message "data system NOT accepting sequences"

Hello everyone,


We recently acquired an UPLC-MS system with an OpenLab CDS software. Sometimes, just after the beginning of a sequence a message appears in the "run queue" window. This message is : "Active Queue: data system NOT accepting sequences (the current methos has been modified. Save or discard the changes". The sequence still runs and we succeed in getting our results. So, we were wondering : what does it mean and why do we have this message?


Moreover, we observed that when a method is loaded, the software always says that we changed the method even if it is not the case and ask us if we want the changes to be saved. Do you know why?


Best Regards,



Parents Reply
  • Sometimes ChemStation gets flagged that the method has changed when the method parameters were only viewed. If no changes were actually made, then you can just choose not to discard any changes when you see the dialog box. This is a pretty normal behavior to see in any revision of OpenLAB ChemStation. If you are concerned that the method is being changed, you can check the method audit trail where these changes can be tracked.

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