Export Chromatogram as CSV (time vs. response - not peak reports)


I'm looking to export the chromatogram as a CSV as chemstation was able to do.  I want just the raw time vs. response.   I don't want any peaks/areas/area% etc.  Nothing that is a result of processing.   OpenLabs manual suggest a method, but the only options are EMF and PNG.  I don't want a graphical picture, I want the raw x,y values. 



We use this exported data for performance verification through our own software and data analysis.  Is this possible to achieve with the OpenLabs 2.2 CDS Workstation? 




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  • Hi,

    I use a tool I found online, netcdf4excel, and did a little programming on it. The installer will add a DLL to your system (VbNc.dll) and copy some files into the installation directory (normally C:\Program Files (x86)\CDF4Excel), after that you can run the Excel file, CDF4Excel.xlsm. It is a macro-containing Excel file and you need to enable macros.

    In the Add-Ins section you will find a drop-down with the name "CDF Tools".

    Click "Open CDF File" and do just that, there is an example.cdf file in the installation directory. A new Excel file will open and on the first tab you will find some general information, especially the actual_run_time_length and the actual_sampling_interval.

    You will need that to generate the time coordinate (X), the signal or ordinate_value (Y) is on the tab "point number".

    It works for me and I hope it will for you too.




    PS: Sorry a DLL wasn't installed, I fixed the installer

  • Hi noreuter. I am trying to get data from ".ch" files and your post is perfect for me. The question is: How do I load a ".ch" instead of the ".cdf" file or how do I convert ".ch" file into ".cdf" file? because the macro only reads ".cdf" files. Kind regards.

  • Hi dubang69,


    unfortunately you cannot, at least with this tool. The .CH format of a FID channel and the open netCDF format are totally different.


    There are two way to do the conversion: number one is load the .CH in Chemstation software and export it as CDF or use the open source software OpenChrom, that can read multiple file formats and export them directly to xy files.


    There is a discussion in Reddit where someone offers a Matlab script to do the conversion, but I never tried it. Maybe the discussion helps.


    And finally there is a Python script that might be able do it at PyExpLabSys (PyExpLabSys.file_parsers.chemstation), but I didn't try that either.




    PS: Here are two Matlab scripts for .D/.MS/.CH and .CDF import I just found.

  • Hi dubang69,

    Im also using export to CDF in OpenLAB 2.3 and OpenLAB 2.2 (with Data Export Addon).


    Unofrtunatelly second step for these revisions is to open CDF in some open source software as noreuter recommends. Im using lightweight utility UniChrom and export to .CSV

    For 2.2 it works for FID and DAD data

    For 2.3 it works for FID, DAD and MS TIC data as well.


    If you would like to export MS Spectra to XY, you can send spectra from OpenLAB CDS to NIST MS SEARCH and export it to .jdx format which contains abundance for masses.






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