Auto Run macros failed

Auto run macros failed in Chemstation 1.07 software .Please help how to resolved it. It's urgent ....

  • Hello Choushik


    Is there a specific number oriented with this error? Usually it presents itself as "autostart macro # "

    Additionally, were there any recent changes to your PC, like windows updates or security updates, or any user changes?

  • Thank for quick response. there were no change in pc recently.  autostat macros failed#40991

  • There are a couple ways to approach this issue.


    1) You can send us your instrument log and we can see if we can determine a cause of the error from the log. This log can be found at the following path: C:\Chem32\#\TEMP\ where the # would be the instrument number (1,2,3, or 4). The log will be named INSTR#.log.


    2) You can try configuring a new instrument as a proof of concept that this is an instrument specific configuration issue. If the new instrument launches without error, then we can narrow the troubleshooting focus.


    3) If this is a time sensitive issue we can try a "shotgun approach" and just rename (change the file extension to .old or .bak for example) or delete some instrument configuration files which will force the software to recreate them the next time you launch an online session. If you want to go this route, then the files to rename/delete would be:

    • ChemStationPerInstrumentSettings.config
    • CONFIG.reg
    • instrument.config
    • RapidControl.InstrumentConfig.xml

    These are all located in the C:\Chem32\#\ path I mentioned in option 1. If you rename/delete these files, the next time you launch an online session of your instrument the software will prompt you to reconfigure the instrument and you will need to provide the instrument's IP address. If the software launches successfully, you will need to reset your preferences as they were stored in some of these files.

  • In that case are you able to provide the instrument log?


    You can also try to run a repair on the software from disk 1 of the installation media.

  • When you tried ryoboyle's option #3, did the software in fact prompt you to configure your instrument? If not, something was likely not reset properly.

  • Ok, in that case I think the log would help to see if any other steps can be attempted. A repair or uninstallation followed by reinstallation would be the ultimate fix, but you would probably want to avoid that if there's another option. Even thought this does seem like it was an instrument configuration problem, it's very strange that configuring a new instrument didn't get rid of the problem for you. Below are some relevant questions that might help point to the problem?


    Was there anything that happened to the computer (including a power outage), operating system, or computer prior to this error coming up?


    Did you or any other user change the location of methods, sequences, data, or report templates?


    Is the Windows user a new one from what was used before?


    Was a Windows Update done?


    Was the PC previously not on a company network but now is?

  • Hi Ryoboyle,

    Here I have attached the instrument log. But one thing I forgot to informed you that yesterday  I have already delete old instrument and create new one. So previous instrument log also deleted. But this problem is not solve yet.

    Below this log file link

    INSTR1.LOG - Google Drive
  • Thank you! Unfortunately, there was not really any additional information in that log file since it is a new instrument. At this point there are really only three things I can think of to try:


    1) You can run the Software Verification Tool (found in Windows by going to Start>All Programs>Agilent Technologies>Software Verification Tool). This will let you know whether there are any missing or potentially corrupted files in your OLCDS ChemStation installation.

    2) You can run a repair from disk 1. Make sure you are an administrator in Windows and then right-click on the setup.bat file on disk and select to 'Run as an Administrator'. This will launch the Master Installer where you can find the repair option in the Maintenance tab.

    3) If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall the software.

  • Thank you! Unfortunately, there was not really any additional information in that log file since it is a new instrument. At this point there are really only three things I can think of to try:


    1) You can run the Software Verification Tool (found in Windows by going to Start>All Programs>Agilent Technologies>Software Verification Tool). This will let you know whether there are any missing or potentially corrupted files in your OLCDS ChemStation installation.

    2) You can run a repair from disk 1. Make sure you are an administrator in Windows and then right-click on the setup.bat file on disk and select to 'Run as an Administrator'. This will launch the Master Installer where you can find the repair option in the Maintenance tab.

    3) If all else fails, uninstall and reinstall the software.

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