Post-run Macro to export Signal Raw Data to ASCII

Dear All,


I'm using a GC system 7890A and controlling it with Chem-Station software.


I was wondering if anyone can help me in finding a way to automatically export the signal raw data to an ASCII file, ideally also with the option of choosing the folder destination.


I have already tried to modify the report output, however I managed to produce only a .txt file containing the integrated peaks' area, but not the signal raw data (X and Y values).


I think the answer lies in writing a post-run command/macro to be inserted when I edit the method that I use, however I am really unfamiliar with macro running and would be grateful if you could help me in this, or any other solutions I am not aware of.


Thanks in advance for your time


Best Regards,



Parents Reply
  • Hi Tim,

    Thanks for posting this macro. Is it only possible to run the macro when the sample is running on the machine? I've already run all of my samples and just want to avoid having to manually export the signal data for all of them.

    I've added it to my run time checklist but when I go to "Start Sequence Reprocessing" in the chemstation offline app I'm not seeing any new files generated and it looks like there is a parsing error in the log. 

    I'm using Open Lab CDS ChemStation for LC C.01.09[144]



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