openlab launch problem

Hi community 

Last week we faced problem on open lab,the problem we cannot launch the openlab

we used GC6890 ,openlab CDS C.01.06

See attached images



  • Is there any error messages or when you open the software, everything is just blank?


    From what I see everything is just blank. Any other information would help, like what you were trying to do. What was the last thing done to the instrument.


    Also, for your information, if you have C.01.06 as a version number, it is not Openlab CDS, but OpenLab CDS Chemstation.

  • Hello,


    I updated the tags on this post to increase visibility.


    The first thing I would recommend would be to run the Software Verification Tool (might be called the Installation Qualification Tool or IQT in your revision) found by going to Start>All Programs>Agilent Technologies. Select all of the installed components and then click the Qualify button. Once the tool runs it will generate a series of reports which will give an overall evaluation of PASS or FAIL for the installation depending on whether there are any missing or corrupt files. 


    If everything passes on the software verification reports, then the next thing I would recommend would be to create and configure a new instrument in the OpenLab Control Panel to see if the new instrument can launch. If it can then it would tell us that the issue most likely is a corruption in one of your current instrument's configuration files. 

  • Hi all

    many thanks  and  for reply

    The problem was we cannot open PDF report after the analysis completed and when we try to open data analysis 

    We got just black PDF page and to solve this problem we restore the PC then we cannot launch instrument .

    Now after  create and configure a new instrument in the OpenLab Control Panel the new instrument can launch and now OK but the PDF problem not solved and we should print the report to see the analysis results.







  • If PDF reports are not printing to the screen, then my first guess would be that something is wrong with the PDF XChange installation. It is possible to reinstall PDF XChange from the OpenLab ChemStation installation media. For more information you can refer to post linked below:


    OpenLab Report PDF Not Generating 

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