How to remove this red status in FTIR

  • By no means am I a professional, but your system is lacking a good amount of energy. My system is set to an energy of around 20000, and the source is on about 2000. There is a file called mtest.exe, which allows you to tweak power and other stuff on the spectrometer. I don't recommend you find and go into the program, rather you should get it checked out by an engineer.

  • By no means am I a professional, but your system is lacking a good amount of energy. My system is set to an energy of around 20000, and the source is on about 2000. There is a file called mtest.exe, which allows you to tweak power and other stuff on the spectrometer. I don't recommend you find and go into the program, rather you should get it checked out by an engineer.

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