Cannot connect to default printer in SimpleReads but can in Config Manager (Cary UV-Vis)

No default printer is currently selected in my Cary WinUV software and I get an error when selecting print setup.  I can print from the configuration manager software.  There is a printer defined on the computer.  How do I connect the WinUV software to the printer?

Parents Reply
  • WinUV 4.20 (468) on a Windows 7 computer.  I got some help and found a work-around.  It is not clear if root cause is Cary software or our network.  Work-around is to: 1. open windows devices and printers, 2. change default printer to a different printer (not network printer), 3. return to WinUV software, 4. goto print menu, 5. change printer from default to the network printer, 6. print

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