Automatic File Naming - Using Sample Name etc? MassHunter Workstation Software

Hello all!

We are currently familiarising ourselves with the MassHunter data aquisition software (LC/MS Data Aquisition for 6200 series TOF/6500 series Q-TOF. Version B.08.00 Build 8.00.8058.3 SP1).

We have been trying to find the most efficient way of naming the samples and data files without having to type everything out manually each time. Our ideal solution is that the datafiles are automatically called the Sample Name. Perhaps the date too, if that's possible but I believe this is an option for a "sub-folder" in the Data File tab of Worklist Run Parameters.

We understand there's an option to add multiple samples and have the appendix counter increase by one, so at least samples can be named automatically this way, but there is no option for us to do the same with the data files. In addition, the only options in the Data File tab of the Worklist Run Paramaters, we can only pick "Empty" "Counter (0001)" or "User Text". If only there was an option to pick "Sample name"!

Perhaps we are missing something very obvious that will be our solution, but we haven't yet come accross it in relevant manuals.

Any advice or pointers would be so helpful. Thank you so much for your time!

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