Masshunter Quantitative Analysis - Error "Calibration STD path mismatch between target and ISTD"

I am still learning Masshunter Quantitative Analysis for LC/TQ and I have version 12.1 build 12.1.938.3.

I have run into this error multiple times and the only way I've gotten out of it so far is to close the software and start over.  This is very frustrating as I go into edit a method and assign Surrogates to ISTD and then Targets to Surrogates.  Once this is done, I go to "Exit" and try to analyze or quantitate the batch.  I then get this error: Calibration STD path mismatch between target and ISTD.

I have not found a way to save what I've done and close the software to try and get out of this error. I'm not finding any information online on how to fix this error.

I would love to know how to fix it without losing all of my work and not creating 15,000 copies of a method since I'm not done with creating the quant method.  A lot of times they open as "read only" and I also have to start over.

How do I fix this error?  Do I just need to move the ISTD and cal.d files to a different folder?

When I'm in Quant and create a new batch, I then go to "Open and Apply from Existing Batch".

I'm sure I'm missing something easy but getting very frustrated here.....

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