Report Builder Help: LevelEnable not working

I have been working with Report Builder (v10.2) to generate a calibration table report, and I am having some difficulties in getting my template to work. Specifically, the level enable function is not returning correct information (shown below). The field value doesn't recognize points when they are not enabled. I believe this has to do with the way I did the binding in the list, but I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. Below is an example of my current report. Attached is the template I am working from. Additionally is there a way to write an expression such that the mass accuracy result will flag by color if it is outside the outlier limit? If so, can someone send me an example of this type of expression? 

 Test Calibration Report.template.xml

  • Hello  ,

    I apologize for the delayed response.

    There was a known issue with some of the older shipping templates that had an incorrect expression to evaluate the LevelEnable boolean. I would suggest using something like this and testing the boolean directly for a True of False value. Change "Calibration" to match your binding.

    "" if BoundItems["Calibration"].LevelEnable==False else "x"

    EDIT - or even more correctly for a boolean - 

    "x" if BoundItems["Calibration"].LevelEnable else ""

    There are examples of color formatting in a few of the shipping templates. The SystemSuitability template would be a good one to look at.

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