My programmed extension (windows forms) for masshunter freezes when opened


I programmed a module/extension (windows forms) for masshunter quantitative analysis.

When I use my self-programmed module while I'm in the Visual Studio Masshunter test environment, it works. BUT if I start the normal masshunter quantitative analyse software, it doesn't work. My windows form is freezing and windows tells me that my module can't/doesn't recognize.

I use the code:
When I use the code .ShowDialog(), it doesn't freeze and I can use my windows form. But then the synchronize navigation in masshunter doesn't work anymore. It works again when I closed my windows forms.

I tried it out with a MessageBox, too. There is the same situation.

What did I wrong?

EDIT: It seems that the navigation synchronize is working, but the "Current Compound" (see picture below) doesn't work anymore.

When I'm using the .ShowDialog()-method in my self-programmed window it doesn't work like a dialog-window. It works like a normal window.

  • Hello  ,

    I am able to run this simple Show() example from IronPython: First steps - Simple Talk ( as-is in Version 10.2 of quant. I tested with CAG and linked navigation without issue. So I don't believe what you are observing with Show() is an issue with quant or the SDK.

    import clr
    import System
    import System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
    message = "Cancel this operation?"
    caption = "Alert"
    buttons = WinForms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
    result = WinForms.MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons)
    if result == WinForms.DialogResult.Yes:
        WinForms.MessageBox.Show("Great, it's canceled!")
        print "Sorry, something went wrong!"
    It is possible that the debug/test environment is trapping some warning or error that is causing the issue you are observing in your live quant. You may need to go back and add features/functions one at a time and check in the test environment and live quant to isolate the issue.
  • Yes, I also tested the code a few minutes ago. The same problem exists here.

    Usually the MessageBox has the behavior like a dialog form.
    But the MessageBox has not a .ShowDialog() command, only a .Show() command (I looked in the microsoft documentation on

    It's actually impossible to click in the parent form and in the CAG window while you have the MessageBox open.

    For example:
    I open the module in my test environment in Visual Studio. The MessageBox behaves like a dialog form (this is correct).
    But if I start the module in a separate Masshunter without the test environment, then it doesn't behave like a dialog form.

  • As you state, the MessageBox.Show() act as if modeless - but the MessageBox.Show() is not modeless, I don't know the correct term, but something with Threads and Async... And in Visual Studio you likely have a common parent, that makes it act as you except.

    Anyway. this MessageBox behaviour becomes clear when one MessageBox opens another MessageBox - and then is modal...

    So, to get the first MessageBox to be modal as expected, you need to define a function with the logic, wrap it as an action, and then use the UIState.SynchronizeInvoke, see modified example below:

    import clr, UIState
    import System
    import System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
    message = "Cancel this operation?"
    caption = "Alert"
    buttons = WinForms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
    def ShowModalMessage():
        result = WinForms.MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons)
        if result == WinForms.DialogResult.Yes:
            WinForms.MessageBox.Show("Great, it's canceled!")
            print "Sorry, something went wrong!"
    act = System.Action(ShowModalMessage)
    UIState.SynchronizeInvoke.Invoke(act, None)


    I am not sure whether this solves your original question - but it might explain some of the behavior. For your form you should try to use ShowDialog() or Show() wrapped in the same manner, to get the behavior you want.

  • As you state, the MessageBox.Show() act as if modeless - but the MessageBox.Show() is not modeless, I don't know the correct term, but something with Threads and Async... And in Visual Studio you likely have a common parent, that makes it act as you except.

    Anyway. this MessageBox behaviour becomes clear when one MessageBox opens another MessageBox - and then is modal...

    So, to get the first MessageBox to be modal as expected, you need to define a function with the logic, wrap it as an action, and then use the UIState.SynchronizeInvoke, see modified example below:

    import clr, UIState
    import System
    import System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
    message = "Cancel this operation?"
    caption = "Alert"
    buttons = WinForms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
    def ShowModalMessage():
        result = WinForms.MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons)
        if result == WinForms.DialogResult.Yes:
            WinForms.MessageBox.Show("Great, it's canceled!")
            print "Sorry, something went wrong!"
    act = System.Action(ShowModalMessage)
    UIState.SynchronizeInvoke.Invoke(act, None)


    I am not sure whether this solves your original question - but it might explain some of the behavior. For your form you should try to use ShowDialog() or Show() wrapped in the same manner, to get the behavior you want.

  • As you state, the MessageBox.Show() act as if modeless - but the MessageBox.Show() is not modeless, I don't know the correct term, but something with Threads and Async... And in Visual Studio you likely have a common parent, that makes it act as you except.

    Thanks for your hint!

    I have never written modules for external programs before, so I was a bit surprised.
    I had also read up on StackOverflow and now I'm a bit smarter about this topic.

    I can assign the main window to the MessageBox. So it reacts as I expect. Otherwise I can use the SynchronizeInvoke-method.

    I think the SynchronizeInvoke function is the reason why masshunter UI can update the "current compound"-field while I'm using the CAG window. Before I didn't use the SynchronizeInvoke-function and I was wondering why the masshunter UI didn't update the "current compound"-field while I was using the CAG window.

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