Error message 'One or more values in " are invalid. Please change values of " and try again.' using RFE wizard in Profinder.

Hello, I am having issues running the Profinder recursive mass extraction (RFE) wizard. I am running the wizard on QTOF LCMS data files. I am new to the software and just wanted to try a run, so didn't change any settings - however, as I am new to the lab, I'm not sure if they are the default settings or not.
The wizard appears to run until the step ' applying post compound group filtering'. When the process is 39% complete, I get an error message that reads 'One or more values in " are invalid. Please change values of " and try again.'

I've looked through the Wizard settings and can't see any obvious errors. Has anyone encountered a similar issue before? Please let me know if I should include any more information that may be useful.

Parents Reply
  • Hello  ,

    Profinder issues can be very data and method dependent. The default method settings are not necessarily recommended settings. Many are simply programmatic defaults or place holder values so that the method won't produce an error when loaded. The range of data quality and types is too varied to have one good generic method.

    It would be best to contact your local support team so they can provide detailed support for your data and suggest what settings would be most appropriate for your workflow and goals. 

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