Report builder 12.0 question: how do you graphics "wrap"?


I am looking for some report builder help.  I have been able to create a template where Q1/Q2/ITSD chromatograms are produced for every compound per sample. Is there any way to line the next set of chromatograms NEXT to the first one instead of below? Attached are screen shots of the template and report to help aid what I'm trying to say (and the template itself)

As a lesser side note, is there a way to embed the sample name into the footer? We will have multiple pages per injection and need to keep them straight.
Thanks in advanced!


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      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">校正最近更新</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">ISTD 响应</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">批处理数据路径</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">Quant サンプルレポート</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Отчет Quant по пробе</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">定量样品报告</TextValue>
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      <TextValue Culture="ja">サンプルのクロマトグラム</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Хроматограмма пробы</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">样品色谱图</TextValue>
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      <TextValue>Quant Calibration Report</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ja">Quant キャリブレーションレポート</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Отчет Quant по калибровке</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">定量校正报告</TextValue>
    <TextSet ID="ReportGenerationTime">
      <TextValue>Report Generation Time</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ja">レポート作成日時</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="ru-RU">Время создания отчета</TextValue>
      <TextValue Culture="zh-Hans">报告生成时间</TextValue>
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  • Hello  ,

    There is an option for tables in Report Builder called Flow which will repeat a table cell across and down the page. There are several caveats for getting this to work and they are outlined in this discussion.

    (+) Mass Hunter Report Builder Flow for graphics (10.2) - Forum - Mass Spectrometry Software - Agilent Community

    In your case this will not be an option since you have 2 rows and 3 columns. It may be possible to do something like this in Report Builder but you would have to be very clever and careful with your bindings. One option would be to use compound groups to split your compounds into two groups in your quant method. Then duplicate your bindings and graphics and make one set for compounds in your 'A' group and one set for your 'B' group. Then on each row print one compound from the 'A's and one from the 'B's. This may not work out well if you don't also have your report set up to report all compounds even if they are not found.

    To do something like this in a more robust manor would require using Python based reports and the SDK.

    To add sample information to your footer, there is an example in the report Gen_GC_Report. It requires a Script Box to get the sample name at the beginning of the first List.

    FooterSampleName = BoundItems["Sample"].SampleName

    And then an expression in the footer to print the sample name if it exists.

    FooterSampleName if 'FooterSampleName' in globals() else None

  • Hello  ,

    There is an option for tables in Report Builder called Flow which will repeat a table cell across and down the page. There are several caveats for getting this to work and they are outlined in this discussion.

    (+) Mass Hunter Report Builder Flow for graphics (10.2) - Forum - Mass Spectrometry Software - Agilent Community

    In your case this will not be an option since you have 2 rows and 3 columns. It may be possible to do something like this in Report Builder but you would have to be very clever and careful with your bindings. One option would be to use compound groups to split your compounds into two groups in your quant method. Then duplicate your bindings and graphics and make one set for compounds in your 'A' group and one set for your 'B' group. Then on each row print one compound from the 'A's and one from the 'B's. This may not work out well if you don't also have your report set up to report all compounds even if they are not found.

    To do something like this in a more robust manor would require using Python based reports and the SDK.

    To add sample information to your footer, there is an example in the report Gen_GC_Report. It requires a Script Box to get the sample name at the beginning of the first List.

    FooterSampleName = BoundItems["Sample"].SampleName

    And then an expression in the footer to print the sample name if it exists.

    FooterSampleName if 'FooterSampleName' in globals() else None

  • Hello Howard,

    First, the footer script worked like a charm. Thank you!

    Since I first made this post I did come across the flow discussion as well as this post which got me pointed in that direction. My current iteration has each of the compounds/ISTD in group A or B with a second set of graphics on the right side of the report. However, I don't think I have the data bound correctly. The reports that keep generating are:


    Like the data is paired in such a way that it populates All of the A compounds WITH all of the B compounds... in every combination. When I get back to that work station I'll clip what I'm talking about. I think I am so close that I keep overlooking what is not bound properly.

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