Protein deconvolution problem ("zero abundance" in report)

We are using agent q-tof 6545 & Mashunter Bioconfirm B.08.00. Recently, we had a problem with protein intact mass analysis (target protein MW 16.9 kDa).

When analyzed using the same sample, analysis conditions and deconvolution parameters, we recently got a result ("zero abundance" in report) that the deconvolution result was not confirmed.
When we compare raw data (extracted spectra) with previous results, the isotopic pattern, mass difference, is shown to be the same.
In our opinion, it is not expected to be a problem of raw data quality, in can be a problem of deconvolution parameters.
Additionally, I would like to ask for help with the meaning, cause, and solution of the term "zero abundance" shown in the report.

The attached files are previous(deconvoluton o)/recent(deconvolution x) EICs, deconvolution parameters, and deconvolution reports (zero abundance).

1) Deconvolution parameter


2) previous(deconvolution O)/recent(deconvolution X) results of deconvolution

 2.1) Previous(deconvolution O) results                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            



2.2) Recent (deconvolution X) results      

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