I followed this tutorial part D Linked Dual GC Signals 1 aliquot /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/152/0020.DualTow7890EnvMH.pdf to sample 1 aliquot through both the front and back autosamplers, both columns, to both detectors (MS at back, FID at front). It is all working in the expected staggered manner, except the data is being stored staggered as well...The first sample's FID (front signal) is in its correct data path and file, but its MS (back signal) is in the folder of the subsequent sample--the MS in its .D file is just noise. The 2nd sample's FID is in its correct data path and file, but its MS is in the folder of the subsequent sample. And so on and so forth. The blank at the end only has a FID signal (which is fine). How can I make the MS route to its correct .D file, the file of the sample and not the file of the subsequent sample whose FID is being run at the same time? Is this what happens for other people following this Linked Dual GC Signals method?
See my sequence below. Am I missing anything? I'm using 7890B 5977B GCMS. Thanks!