Displaying LOD LOQ mass Hunter Quantitative 10.2


I m working with Mass Hunter Quantitative 10.2 and i made several calibrations Sim Mode and analysed them with Mass Hunter.
Then regressiosn are calculated abd i saw that it s possible to display LOD AND LOQ (columns available) on batch table.

But those columns are still empty after LOD and LOQ choosed.

Any idea or solution?

Thanks a lot

  • Hello  ,

    To populate the method LOD and LOQ columns you need to assign a limit to the method outlier. This can be done in the Method Editor under Outlier Setup.

    After a method limit is set it will be displayed in the batch table. The flag will be displayed on the Calc. Conc. entry.

  • Thanks a lot, Howard 
    for your response.

    I was thinking thaht Mass Hunter was able to calculate LOD and LOQ from linear regression.
    In fact, we have to calculate them and fixe our limits to display flag.

    I would be interesting that Mass Hunter calculate them and that we could choose from different methods to calculate.

  •  ,

    I'm not aware of a way to have quant calculate the LOD or LOQ from a linear regression or calibration curve.

    There is a script/wizard that will calculate the MDL, LOQ, and/or LOD from replicate injections. It can be found in the Tool menu under Actions. If you have Quant Supplemental installed it includes a video that goes into detail about how the script can be used and what method it uses to calculate the MDL/LOQ/LOD.

    D:\MassHunter\Videos\Quant\Quant scripts - MDL-LOQ-LOD - Wizard.mp4

    The script itself is located here by default - 


    You would want to make certain that this uses the same method and criteria for calculating the MDL/LOQ/LOD that your lab or method procedures have established. Some parameters that the script uses can be adjusted. From the comments of the script - 

    //This script calculates the following from replicate injections:
    //• Method Detection Limit (MDL)
    //• Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
    //• Limit of Detection (LOD)
    // SampleType can be "Sample", "QC" or "Calibration"
    //Step 1: Configure the MDL-LOQ-LOD script: Open MDL-LOQ-LOD.quant.script in Notepad,
    // in the “User configuration” section, enter the desired values for ConfidenceLevel
    // and BlankSubtration. Please note:
    // 1) Any Confidence Level and Degree of Freedom is supported.
    // 2) If the Blank subtraction is turned on, the average concentration
    // of BLANK (include Blank and DoubleBlank) samples will be subtracted
    // from average concentration. All other concentration based calculations
    // such as MDL, LOQ, LOD, Concentration RSD, etc are based on the adjusted
    // concentrations.

    //Step 2: Load and analyze batch

    //Step 3: Run the script: Click Tools\Actions\Custom Action…, select the MDL-LOQ-LOD.quant.script to run.

    //If the script is run in the Method Editing mode, “Set MDL”, “Set LOQ” and “Set LOD” buttons are available
    //and clicking on it will set corresponding outlier for the selected compounds.

  • Thanks a lot for all those informations.
    I ll try it as soon as possible.

    Best regards.


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