Is there a trick to having Find by Targeted MS/MS appear in the Compound Discovery tab ?

It has been sometime since I have been able to use the MassHunter training material on my LC-QTOF-MS.  I had set up analysis with a reference standard and have some literature data for collision energies and 

possible fragmentation of the molecular ion.  I set up the MS/MS experiment and I have Qualitative Analysis open and come across in my training material, Find by Targeted MS/MS.  I read the description

in my training manual, great, I want to use this.  I don't have that option under Compound Discovery.  Did I not select some option in MassHunter to enable this ?   It boggles my mind.

NB.  I do realize that if I set Auto Select Compound Mining, Find by Targeted MS/MS is the default.

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