Report builder - Final Concentration Expression Change


Is there an expression to change the 'final concentration' in my report builder to read "<50 ng/L" if the final result is less than LOQ or have been deleted in Quant?

Currently this is expressing results like 0.12 which I would like my final report to read as a less than 50ng/L.

Also when deleting false positive, this also leave these field as "blank" reported.

If this was a excel formula this would be like something like =IF(Final Conc<50,<50,Final Conc)

How do I express this within my report?

  • While LowestLevelConcentration is mentioned in the dataset manual, from what I can find it is not an actual part of the quant dataset. It is used in an example near the end of the manual to represent the lowest concentration level in the cal curve to show how the calibration range outliers work.
    I believe the calibration concentrations are only available in the calibration table. It can be very challenging to bring in information from the calibration table into a results section since only one sample in the batch contains the calibration table. You can check in some of the templates that report calibration to see how to access these.

    You could use the LOQ, LOD, or MDL outlier to store your lowest concentration level for retrieval if you are not utilizing those outliers. There is also the Sample Amount outlier. The outlier itself triggers on the final concentration, but you could use it to store and retrieve your lowest concentration level and highest concentration level if desired.

    For converting numbers to strings there are several Python or .NET functions or methods you could use. The simplest is str(). This will convert the number as it comes from quant to a string.

    "< "+str(BoundItems["TargetCompound"].LimitOfQuantitation)

    If you want to change the number of decimal places used, you could use the format() method

    "< "+format(BoundItems["TargetCompound"].LimitOfQuantitation,'.3f')

    This would convert to a string with 3 decimal places.

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