Report Builder System Suitability Expression

Data set from batch.bin works for S/N in shipping system suitability template.  The expression for S/N was directly copied and pasted and all Field Caption/Field Values were replicated to match the system suitability template for S/N.  But this error displays with the exact same data set:

Not sure how to troubleshoot this.

  •  ,

    I also meant to explain difference between Binding name and Data name. 

    When you name a binding in Report Builder you are specifying a variable name that you are going to use in that report or report section to reference an extraction from a given Data table. It is the Data table names from the quant database, as given in the data set manual, that are fixed and cannot be changed. In the shipping templates, in some cases, it was decided to name the binding the same as the data name, and this is where it can be a little confusing. 

    For example, this binding is named 'ISTD' and is made of information from the TargetCompound Data table.

    But the TargetQualifer binding name was chosen to be the same as the Data table name since it is a reasonable description of the information being retrieved.

    Keep this in mind when copying code from one template to another and also when naming your own bindings. 

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