Error occurred while creating a log file in MassHunter Qualitative Software

Date and Time: 07/07/2019 07:26
Program: Agilent MassHunter Workstation Software Qualitative Analysis B.03.01
Build Configuration: Release
Message: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {4CBCEED8-D9F8-4440-A127-4E840D0573DF} failed due to the following error: 800700c1.
Stack Trace: at Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Qualitative.CBaseArcherFileDialog..ctor(String HelpNamespace, String HelpIdString)
at Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Qualitative.QualForm.AnalysisOpenMenuItem_Click(Object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e)
at Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Qualitative.QualForm.UltraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(Object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e)


  • Hi unyime_ocean,

    This is an old version of MassHunter Qual (B.03.01) so my instructions may not be great.

    I am assuming nothing has changed (ie was working last time you used it on the current PC) and there were no Windows updates etc.


    Depending on the version of Windows and if Qual B.03.01 had these settings files, you could try clearing them out (this essentially resets Qual to default settings).


    delete folders: \QualDefinitions and \CoreDefinitions


    The above location maybe different on different versions of Windows.


    Which version of Windows are you running? ie XP, Vista, 7 etc.

    32bit or 64bit?

    Enterprise, Pro or Home edition? (Home is not supported)






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