Issue printing compund view report in Qual 10.0

Hello. I am trying print report in masshunter Qualitative 10.0 from Compound view context. I am using Builder and excel templates. the template used is Compound discovery template and the software always prints custom report (custom template). why occur that?. how do I do to print compund report using compound discovery template using excel templates and Builder templates. PD: I used PCDL for identificate the compunds.

  •  Hi  alopez15,

    To start with, are you running the Compound Discovery Workflow? An easy way to check is to look at the Sample Table, like the screenshot below. (You may need to add that column by clicking on the Add/Remove Columns icon in the same window.)

    If you see "Compound Disc" (#1 in the screenshot below) in the workflow column, the template specified in the Report Templates under Compound Discovery should be generated (#3). However, if you see "Interactive" (#2 in the screenshot below), the template specified in "Custom" field of the Report Template (#4) will be created instead.

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