IP "mess" after new method test run

Hi all


Wondering if a method can cause the IP adressess to get meesed up.


I tried running a new method on an agilent 5975C MS with 7890A GC integrated with Gerstel headspace and FID..

the method did run but no data was collected. and worse, I believe it caused the CPU IP malfunction (I had to format the CPU to resolve it).


The method is the file enclosed





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    A method should have no impact on the IP addresses of your PC or any of your instruments.If you needed to reformat/reimage your system in order to resolve the networking problem you ran into, then I suspect there is a larger problem afoot than just a corrupt method. This sounds more like an operating system or PC hardware problem.

  • I added tags to this post to increase visibility.


    A method should have no impact on the IP addresses of your PC or any of your instruments.If you needed to reformat/reimage your system in order to resolve the networking problem you ran into, then I suspect there is a larger problem afoot than just a corrupt method. This sounds more like an operating system or PC hardware problem.

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