How do I generate reports and print chromatograms/report in MassHunter Qual.

I am using MassHunter Qualitative Analysis B.07.00 to analyze FID data. I have extracted the FID chromatograms, identified the peaks and annotated them. But nothing happens when I try to print reports. Can anyone help me figure out how to generate the reports or at least print chromatograms.

  • Hi gravash,

    I have a few questions to get a better idea of what you're seeing.

    1. Have you been able to print reports previously? If you have, did something change on the computer recently?
    2. Do you have any service packs for MassHunter installed? If you do, are you using Excel-based reporting or PDF-based reporting?
    3. What version of Excel is installed?
  • Hi ,

    1. No, I have never used it to print reports.

    2. We use both PDF and Excel reporting with MassHunter Quant. But this is my first time using Qual.

    3. I'm using Office professional Plus 2016


  • Hello,


    There are a couple of things that are worth checking, since you haven't used Qual reporting before.

    1. Can you check that the MassHunter Reporting Qual Add-in is showing as active? You can do this by going to File ->Options -> Add-ins (in the red box at the top of the below image.)
    2. If you don't see the MH Reporting Qual Add-in listed as indicated above, click on the Go button next to the Manage: Excel Add-ins (in the lower, blue box in the image above). You should be able to select the MassHunter Qual add-in. I would then close Excel and try generating a report again.



    If that seems to be set up correctly and a report still isn't generated, please answer the following questions.

    1. Could you please share a couple of screenshots, so I can gather the complete revision information for MassHunter Qual and Excel?
      1. For Qual, please go to Help -> About.
      2. For Excel, go to File -> Account -> About Excel. I just need the first line, which mentions the build and whether it's 32 or 64-bit.
    2. What Windows operating system do you have? MassHunter B.07.00 is supported on Windows 7.
    3. Do you know the order that these two programs were installed in? If the software is MassHunter B.07.00, Excel 2016 should work if it was installed before MH Qual.
  • I have marked this question as Assumed Answered due to inactivity. Please let us know if you still need any help with this and we can pick it up from there

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