Gain Factor Constantly Out of Tolerance for Check Tune

I am running on an Infinity 1260 II Ultivo LC/QQQ and have a problem when running check tunes. Every time I run a check tune, I get an out of tolerance result where the only parameter out of range is the gain factor. It fluctuates between being out of range on the low end (0.6 or 0.7) and the high range (1.3 to 1.5), it is not consistently too low or too high. I am having to constantly autotune the QQQ which takes longer to do. The autotune will pass with a gain factor of 1.0, and then check tune the next day will fail due to gain factor. 

Has anyone seen an issue with gain factor values? Is there any specific part of the mass spec that the gain factor is associated with that may need attention (maintenace, cleaning, replacement etc.)? Any input would be appreciated.

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  • Hi Dawn, unfortunately I am still having issues. My only guess for my scenario is that it is an EM issue with the gain factor always changing when doing check tune. I cannot think of why else the gain factor is in range when an auto tune is done, but fails for check tunes the next day.

    For your situation, I believe the only time we had issues with masses out of tolerance was after changing the ion injector. When we put a new ion injector in, we could not get tunes to pass. We had to put back in our original ion injector after cleaning it to get tunes to pass. I hope you can find a solution!

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