Rebooting computer: G6530B QTOF

Hi, I have a question about the procedure of rebooting the computer. 

Do I need to operate smart shutdown to the QTOF every time I reboot the computer?


Appreciate your help!

  • Shutting down acquition completly is a two step process- closing the User Interface (MH Acq) and closing the MH Acq Engines (rocket in the icon panel on the botttom right of the screen).  You can right click on the rocket and select shutdown engines.


    If you are referring to the Shutdown SmartCard utility, I would only run this before power cycling the MS or maybe as part of troubleshooting. 


  • Shutting down acquition completly is a two step process- closing the User Interface (MH Acq) and closing the MH Acq Engines (rocket in the icon panel on the botttom right of the screen).  You can right click on the rocket and select shutdown engines.


    If you are referring to the Shutdown SmartCard utility, I would only run this before power cycling the MS or maybe as part of troubleshooting. 


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