QQQ not ready



I conducted a weekly cleaning exercise on an LC-QQQ 6420 this morning.

Opened the spray chamber, cleaned the spray shield according to Agilent guidelines. Closed it back up and proceeded to my analysis.


Machine stays on "not ready" while the hardware is flashing green, then shows


Ready timeout occurred for the stream 'LC1".

Please check the logbook for additional information.


The logbook does not give any useful information on the reason for the timeout.


Any info would be appreciated.





  • Oputu

    Hi. Did you wait for the MS to come to temperature before you restarted the worklist? Your picture shows the MS as not ready. In the upper right corner where you view your actuals there is an option for "not ready long text", or something very similar "word word long text" (I always look for long text). That will tell you why the MS is not yet ready. If you start a worklist, or even a single injection before the MS is completely ready, it will often time out before the instrument comes to temperature. I hope this helps.


  • Oputu

    Hi. Did you wait for the MS to come to temperature before you restarted the worklist? Your picture shows the MS as not ready. In the upper right corner where you view your actuals there is an option for "not ready long text", or something very similar "word word long text" (I always look for long text). That will tell you why the MS is not yet ready. If you start a worklist, or even a single injection before the MS is completely ready, it will often time out before the instrument comes to temperature. I hope this helps.


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