Max-Light Flow Cell

When using detectors with a Max-Light flow cell (fiber-optic based), have any of you ever had to replace the cell after 5 years or more of use, due to absorption/blocking in the UV region proven by the intensity test?

  • Five years is quite a long time. We do not specify a lifespan for our cells. That would also be more than difficult, since we have no information about the customer's samples, the pH used, his solvent quality, his rinsing behavior, etc. I recommend not only using fresh water on a regular basis - preferably even at higher flow rates - but also using organic substances such as isopropanol afterwards. This makes it easier to flush lipophilic impurities or oligomers/polymers that come from acetonitrile out of the system. Furthermore, depending on the samples, there could  be denaturation of proteins, which will lower the performance of the cell. For such samples, I suggest using an LSS flow cell.

    Keep in mind that the intensity test is always a result, where cell, optical unit and D2-lamp contribute to.

  • Five years is quite a long time. We do not specify a lifespan for our cells. That would also be more than difficult, since we have no information about the customer's samples, the pH used, his solvent quality, his rinsing behavior, etc. I recommend not only using fresh water on a regular basis - preferably even at higher flow rates - but also using organic substances such as isopropanol afterwards. This makes it easier to flush lipophilic impurities or oligomers/polymers that come from acetonitrile out of the system. Furthermore, depending on the samples, there could  be denaturation of proteins, which will lower the performance of the cell. For such samples, I suggest using an LSS flow cell.

    Keep in mind that the intensity test is always a result, where cell, optical unit and D2-lamp contribute to.

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