Running on a 1260 infinity HPLC vs 1260 infinity II HPLC

I have a method that I've run many times on a 1260 infinity HPLC that is now having separation issues when run on a 1260 infinity II HPLC.  Two peaks that I've always been able to get a resolution above 1.5 now barely separate enough to identify.  I've checked that the method is identical and tubing diameters and can't find any issues.  Does anyone have advice on what steps to take to determine how to run my method on a 1260 infinity II? 

  • Hi  

    You seem to have checked everything that I would have checked!  Are the differences in resolution because of increased peak width or decreased retention time differences.  Could you post some chromatograms so that we can see the difference?


  • Thanks for responding, the peaks are about the same size so I believe it's a retention time issue. I've been doing some additional research on this and the closest I can find to maybe being the issue is that the delay volume from the infinity I to the infinity II was improved.  So if that's the case it's probably more efficiently switching to the new gradient composition and therefore it's causing the second peak to elute faster than I'm expecting.  If that's the case, I'm not sure what my next path forward will be as I'm in a regulatory field and changing the gradient is not the path I'm hoping for.

    Agilent 1260 Infinity (same column):

    Agilent 1260 Infinity II (same column):

  • Hi  

    If the Infinity II system is an identical module for module change, I wouldn't expect there to be much of a difference in mixing or volumes.

    The next question is: can you share the model numbers of the Infinity and Infinity II systems?


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