Can G1315B DAD or G1321B FLD be used as triggering source for G1364E fraction collector? Any additional parts required?
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Can G1315B DAD or G1321B FLD be used as triggering source for G1364E fraction collector? Any additional parts required?
Hey, yes this should be possible in the Software. You need to choose the detectors you want to use to trigger the collection (example shown below G1315C). You will need to do a delay calibration for each of the detectors to determine the follow between the peak detection and the fraction collector needle tip. This can be done using Lab Advisor and a delay calibrant. See: Agilent 1260 Infinity Fraction Collector Delay Volumes and Delay Calibration - Technical Note, Lab Advisor Software Download | Agilent. Another thing to keep in mind is to use the proper tubings based on the flow rate of the system. Agilent InfinityLab LC Series 1260 Infinity II Preparative Fraction Collector User Manual on page 133.
I agree with kbusch.
Please keep in mind that the G1315B is out of support since 2013. If it still works, great, but if a major part like the main board or the optical unit needs to be replaced, we no longer have the repair parts.