system pressure test


doing the pressure test of my HPLC Agilent 1260 I have this message: "test aborted by system". What is the meaning?

(I've put the blanking nut before the column).



  • Hello,


    The system pressure test can abort for a number of reasons in my experience. Most often the test would abort fairly early in the test process due to a large leak in the system.


    Some things to start with:

    1. Check for any visible leaks in your flow path when running the test

    2. Try moving the blanking nut to the outlet of the Pump

    3. Make sure your solvent lines have been recently primed and are free of air bubbles as this will interfere with test results and could cause an aborted test.


    If you find that the test is still failing it points towards a problem with a pump component.

  • Hello Nbauer,

    thank you!

    I've tried to move the blanking nut at the outlet valve but the result is the same "test aborted by system" and, on the right "failed to comunicate with the module". All modules are connected so maybe could be a problem with the software?



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