HPLC 1260 Needle wash not working

i got an issue with needle wash, which is not working, i tried to prime the tube with solvent, its not going through, i put so much pressure, still of no use.

i am not sure is there any blockage in the pipe line or pump got an issue, is anyone can help please

Parents Reply
  • Hi  

    Thanks for your reply, as Wolney has suggested on the 27th April, please share the Model no of your autosampler and check if the rod at the center of the peristaltic pump is moving. If it is not moving with the peristaltic pump in place, please remove the pump and start needle wash again to see if the rod can move without the pump.

    If it moves without the pump in place, you can install the pump back and adjust it gently until you can see the center rod and the pump rollers moving together.

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