Agilent 1100 VWD flow cell leak

I want to preface that I'm not an expert when it comes to this system. This problem seems to arise when there is a power outage and the pump is turned off for a few days. I turn the pump back on and I purge the system. The flow cell seems to be leaking. Please help.

  • Hello Jdodge,

    If you have a flowcell that is leaking, you will need to repair or purchase a new one. Depending on the model of your detector, there are a lot of different flowcells, but you normally can see what the part number is if you look at the flow cell. It will be printed on the outside.

    note: on DAD and MWD, you can rebuild the 1100/1200 and 1260 flowcells, but not the 1290 max-light cartridge version.


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