Error ID: 15 A leak was detected inside the module.
Probable cause: 1 Loose nebuliser fittings; 2 Blocked nebuliser causing leak at capillary fittings.
However, the possible solutions proposed are only 'Please contact your Agilent service representative'. The warranty already expired, and there is no harm to try to fix the issue.
Visual investigation did not show any leak traces.
Does any possible troubleshooting solution exist for leak detected in Agilent 1260 ELSD?

  • Did you actually open up the ELSD and look at the internal flow connections? Officially a Field Service Engineer with an ELSD key is required, hence our recommendation is to contact Agilent.

    Assuming you did open up the module, you said you could not see any signs of a possible leak, but did you also check the groove at the bottom of the module, where the leak sensor is located? Any humidity or traces there?

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