FLD Lamp hours

Hi,  I noticed the signal of my protein fluorescence peaks dropping a bit since last month. I suspect the Xenon lamp to be dying. How do I check the usage of the FLD (1100) Xenon lamp and whether it needs to be replaced or not? Can you please assist regarding this.

  • The Agilent LabAdvisor software shows the Xe lamp life time, but in percent, not in hours. This is because of a fairly complex calculation, taking the amount of high or low power flashes into consideration. The higher the number, the more worn the lamp is.


    However, in sheer hours the Xe lamp easily reaches 4000 (or even way more) and it rarely dies. More likely the FLL (trigger pack) needs to be replaced. This is more or less a dedicated power supply for the flash lamp, which sees a lot of stress.


    I would recommend you do an intensity test with LabAdvisor. If the results are not satisfying, check the lamp house window for contamination and if there is, replace the window. Cleaning does not help, as the quartz glass suffers from the strong UV light it is exposed to. This should be done by an Agilent engineer. Often this gives a boost in intensity. At the same time the engineershould check the condition of some other parts in the optical path, like EX condenser, mirror etc.


    So in summary, if the lamp still ignites, I would not replace it. Check the intensity and let an Agilent engineer do an overhaul of the optical path, if needed.

  • Also on the Instant Pilot (G4208A) the lamp life time can be checked.

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