Can I cut off my Mass spectrum range to 200 m/z to eliminate colum?

We have a very small peak in our TIC for our analyte (magnitude 8E3), the problem is that our column (207) is interfering with its identification. Is it OK for us to change the MS range to up to 200 m/z to remove 207 from the spectra? We have a SIM set up and have done background subtraction, but were wondering if we had other options. 

  • It's best to try to troubleshoot the 207 problem. That stuff is still coming out of the column and depositing residue inside the mass spectrometer even if you are not looking for it.  Most 207 is caused by column degradation due to oxygen or thermal damage or both.

    You can change your scan range in acquisition to something like 35 to 205 -- above oxygen and below column bleed --  but cutting off the higher masses will also affect your library search match quality.

  • It's best to try to troubleshoot the 207 problem. That stuff is still coming out of the column and depositing residue inside the mass spectrometer even if you are not looking for it.  Most 207 is caused by column degradation due to oxygen or thermal damage or both.

    You can change your scan range in acquisition to something like 35 to 205 -- above oxygen and below column bleed --  but cutting off the higher masses will also affect your library search match quality.

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