No peaks

Hi, I've been using GC6890N/MSD5975C with no issue but after I recently performed tune evaluation, suddenly the sensitivity decreased severely and there was no peak detected unless very high concentration like 10% loading. Auto tune was fine every time I tested. I do manual injection, so not relevant to ALS, etc.
So, I followed the troubleshooting guide. These are what was done so far;
- replaced septum, liner, o-ring, gold seal, ferrule in inlet.
- replaced ferrule in GC/MS interface
- removed guard columns, cut off ~1 cm of column at each side and re-installed column (same column) with new ferrules.
- cleaned ion-source
- replaced filament 
While doing these, there was a leak issue but it got fixed, and auto tune passed. 
Surprisingly though, I still have the same problem - poor sensitivity or no peak at all with small loading sample. Tune file was correctly saved and assigned. 
Below is the auto tune report (please note the vacuum reading is not valid because the ion gauge is failing), and the tune views (number 24 is when ion source was cleaned).
Your advice would be very much appreciated. thank you

  • Thanks for the good tip for insulator cleaning. I'm going to order a repeller insulator spare.

    Interesting that you found it!
    What would be the shelf-lif of GCMS, especially MSD?

  • Much can be gleaned from serial numbers.  Yours was built in August 2007.  That means 4,013 work days since then. How many samples has it run? How many times has the source been cleaned? The column replaced? The pump PM'd?   5,915 calendar days - how many revolutions has the turbo pump, which spins at about 60,000 rpm, turned?  That's a fun calculation.... about 5,11 x 10^11 !

    The 5975C end of production was 11/30/2013.  The End of Guaranteed Support was 12-31-2020.  There are some parts that are either at incredibly low stock worldwide or even unavailable.  There is no way to get new replacement electronic parts made for that model as those chip manufacturing processes are not even used anymore. The standard turbo pump TMH071 pump is obsolete - has it been replaced sometime by the Pfeiffer HiPace 80 (G3170-67000)-- about $9,000 USD of parts plus labor?    The detector - the older EM is no longer manufactured --- has it been replaced sometime by the Triple Axis Detector version using the G3392A kit - about $4,500 USD of parts plus labor?  

    The upside is that there are still many of these out there running, but they are all coming up on at least ten years old.  Electric fans, turbo pumps, and rough pumps all spin and spinning devices fail eventually.  Sample residue deposits on all of the surfaces inside the vacuum chamber. They redistribute and dirty a freshly cleaned source faster the older the instrument gets.  That requires remedial cleaning.

    So's complicated.  The 5975C is at or quickly approaching the time where fixing it may not be economically feasible.

  • That's very useful to know in PM. I think the turbo pump and the foreline pump have been replaced, but not sure about the detector...
    Thanks for all your support. I've learned a lot through this community and am having more fun in GCMS.

  • Hello, if you don't mind, can I ask one more question? Though the problem was solved, there's one question remained in what has happened during the troubleshooting.
    After I replaced a GC column, I turned on MS to pump down. But, I saw the MS temperatures in Chemstation shown as N/A, and the temperature readings  in the small window were something like 560oC. I immediately set them low, switched off MS and closed the chemstation. By quickly looking up, I found one case where the detector has gotten moisture and increased the temperature. I wondered if my case was because I have wiped the GC column with isopropanol right before inserting to MSD interface. I guess the column might have been still wet when the instrument was powered on.
    So, I waited for a couple of min to let it dry under vacuum and then rebooted MS again seeing MS temperatures back to the normal range. I don't think the high temperature readings were real, but can't find any supportive information about what can cause that, what they mean, and whether they can leave a damage on the detector or not. It will be appreciated if you can help me understand this issue. thank you

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