Gain factor applied to specific time in the TIC?

We are detecting methyl methacrylate monomer using air sampling. The signal is so low, we will need to use gain factors. Can I apply gain to a certain region of the TIC or does it have to be applied to the whole chromatogram? My signal height of MMA is currently at 4E+4, other compounds in the standard are at 6E+6 height, what is the suitable gain factor for us?

  • Would you please share chromatograms of your low and high standards?  What gain factor are you using now?  What is the signal to noise ratio of your peak at the lowest concentration?   6e^6 are large peaks, there is no reason to have peaks in the millions of counts.   Also, under your method is a file acqmeth.txt ...please share that file as there may be parameters to change that will help.

    For best instrument longevity, reduced maintenance, and less consumables used, inject the smallest volume of the lowest concentrations of the cleanest standards and samples you can.

  • Would you please share chromatograms of your low and high standards?  What gain factor are you using now?  What is the signal to noise ratio of your peak at the lowest concentration?   6e^6 are large peaks, there is no reason to have peaks in the millions of counts.   Also, under your method is a file acqmeth.txt ...please share that file as there may be parameters to change that will help.

    For best instrument longevity, reduced maintenance, and less consumables used, inject the smallest volume of the lowest concentrations of the cleanest standards and samples you can.

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