5977A MSD Fault 2 RFPA difficulty

Hi everyone,

Problem with our GCMS (MS 5977A)

If I try to tune or air and water check, nothing happens and I get MSD Fault 2: RFPA Difficulty. 

What I did (after looking in forums)

 - Check the source: i swapped with another source (same model) and the error is still there so it does not seems to be a source problem. (The source works in another system). 

- I changed the EM Horn (it was old anyway)

I saw some discussions about the quad (burns), but even if the instrument is kinda old (almost 10 years) it was not use often and we were careful.. 

Some things I find weirds: 

- Error appear really fast, filament does not even light. I heard a click, nothing happen (filament does not light), error appear and the clicking sound continue until I "accept" the error on the software.

- On the MS Screen, in MS Parameters, I have High Vacuum pressure 1.01e-09 Torr (!!!)

Also, I have MSD Fault Status dec 4 hex 4 on the MS Screen.  

Any idea? Is there a procedure to adjust RFPA?

Thank you

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