GC 8890 - baseline dropping and rising at the same retention time

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with this DB-Wax UI, 30m, 0.25, 0.25, for a long time. It has baseline dropping and rising at the same RT for all runs. It happens from 9-10 mins. I changed the inlet liner, o-ring and the gold seal, but it seems like it's not working.

Injection volume: 0.5 microliter

Method I used:

Inlet: 230C - front inlet


40C hold for 5 mins

5C/min to 100C

50C/min to 240C

FID: 260C

Thank you,

Chau Dang

Parents Reply
  • I looked at your plot again. That little bounce is barely 0.01pA -- so very tiny!  This is down in the lowest possible signals that can be measured with an FID and honestly should not matter as your smallest peaks of interest should be at least 50x to 100x larger than this baseline disturbance.

    Can you share the chromatograms of your lowest and highest level standards?  Does this bump show in those chromatograms? 

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