tune action stopped :MSD Fault 2 : RFPA Difficulty ?

I HAVE GCMSHES 5977B ; during  TUNING ;IT GIVES tune action stopped :MSD Fault 2 : RFPA Difficulty  . WE try cleaning the ion source , changing filament but still the message appear  

how can i resolve this? 

  • many thanks for all persons spent their time to reply me about solving the problem

    the problem solved by changing quad and quad driver by Agilent regional represent

    but i have a notice that through explain my problem no one from Agilent engineer give me a remarkable advice to track the problem .

    my advice to all people to track this problem to inspect the quad and if any black colour appear inside the quad this means the quad need replacement

  • The quad is not a replaceable part on a single quad GCMS, the analyzer should be replaced as an assembly.  There is a long explanation about black marks inside the quad, but suffice to say that it is all sample residue of ions and unionized molecules.  It can be exacerbated by air leaks, column bleed, bad gas, and the way the operator is running the system.

    • Inject the smallest volume of sample you can. Your lowest concentration standard peaks should only be 3 to 5 times the background noise - very small.  Your highest standard peaks should only be about 3 million counts or so.
    • Always run constant flow methods with the helium carrier gas between 0.8 and 1.4 ml/min. Higher or lower flows may work but are not optimal.
    • Make sure that the solvent delay is cutting out all of the solvent.
    • Always run the quad at 150C or less. Quads do not need to be run at higher temperature.
    • The default source temperature of 230C is not necessarily the best, though. I like 265C to 275C.  Set that temp, wait an hour for stabilization, tune it again, save the tune, and use that new temp in your methods.  Slightly higher source temperatures keep the source area cleaner longer at the loss of some high mass sensitivity.
  • many thanks for your replay ,   i tooled what happen exactly, and  i  agree with all your  above points

  • Hi, I am getting same message. But auto tune and quick tune report both are very good. I am getting "RFPA difficulty" message during tune evaluation. How to solve this?

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